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Saturday, 8 October 2016

Benin Crown Prince journey to father's throne begins today


Benin Crown Prince journey to father's throne begins today

The Journey of the Crown Prince of Be­nin Kingdom and Edaiken N’ Uselu, Prince Eheneden Erediauwa to the throne of the ancestors be­gins today.
Prince Erediauwa who will be the 70th king in Benin from the era of the Ógisos will be coronated the 39th Oba of Benin of Kingdom.
The Edaiken is expected to trek from his Uselu Palace to Benin City where the cor­onation ceremony is expect­ed to kick-off in accordance with the custom and tradi­tion of the Benin people.
The Crown Prince is ex­pected to be at Urhokpo­ta traditionally called Eko-Ohae (bachelors’ camp) and stay for three days before he leaves his Palace at Uselu.
Speaking on the corona­tion ceremonies, Chairman of the Coronation Planning Committee and Enogie of Evbuobanosa/Abdul, Prof. Gregory Akenzua, said all burial ceremonies have been prohibited throughout the period of the coronation pro­cess.
Prof. Akenzua who said the Edaiken, in a foot pro­cession would be escorted by the peoples of Uselu to Ore­do stated that on his way, the Edaiken would stop at the sacred Palm tree called Udin Amamieson-aimiuwa.
The palm tree is over 500 years old and it was first climbed by Oba Ewuare dur­ing his sojourn in the forest. From there, Prince Erediau­wa goes to Iya-akpan where Chiefs from Oredo takes over and escorts him to Eko-Ohae.
Prof. Akenzua further ex­plained that the Edaiken will on October 10 leave Ekpo-Ohae for Usama Palace, the location of the Oba’s Palace before it was moved by Oba Ewedo in the 11th century.
It is at Usama Palace that the coronation will take place by the Usama N’ Ihiron.
Akenzua said the Edaik­en will go to Use village for the ceremony of choosing a name and on Thursday Octo­ber 20, the Edaiken leaves Us­ama for Urhokpota for pres­entation of staff of office.
(Urhokpota) after the crown had been put on the head of the Oba-to-be (Edai­ken) and sealed with prayers by the Isekhure; and the Edai­ken will be pronounced Oba of Benin by Chief Oliha. This is the climax of the corona­tion of the Edaiken as the Oba of Benin.
The use of Coral Beads would be restored by those entitled to use it.
Meanwhile, the city cen­tre and environs is already wearing a new look just as commercial activities at strategic places have been grounded.

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